This thriving community can help connect you to the natural elements and the art of being able to stay airborne without an engine.
Ready to take to the sky and feel like a bird?
- Book an Air Experience flight (AEF) – feel supported by our AEF instructors to get the eagle in you excited to fly.
- Flying lessons – with highly experienced instructors, you too will soon be flying solo and enjoying those natural elements that birds do.
- Have dreams or visions to gain your full wings and go Cross-Country, or compete in Competitions at State, National and International level, or even move into powered flight and become a female Tug pilot
- We can assist you in achieving your dream.
In addition, come and join us at our Women only gliding events.
Girls Fly Too (GF2) – GF2 is held at GCWA (Cunderdin) in October each year. Encourage friends to experience flight in a relaxed and social environment.
Wanting more!!
Women in Gliding Western Australia (WIGWA) – Our training camp held yearly, provides women an opportunity to focus on their training needs and goals.
Held at Narrogin Gliding Club in March each year.
See you up there!!!!
President’s Note
The sport of gliding (Soaring) is under-represented by women of all ages. NGC is fortunate to have greater than 15% of its members in this category (mid 2024) and it continues to search for opportunities to support and increase the participation.